YESTERDAY I SAW WUZUN. YES WUZUN :D HE IS SUPER CUTE (: i am super happy that at last i saw him 'live'. lols! i regretted not getting his auto. but nvm, at least i get to see him. hoho! :D cheers! *grins! anyway, i saw ella too. i find her super cartoon. hahas :D they were there to promote HanaKimi, a cute show. haha. merlissa took some pictures of him. shall post it up when i get it ^^
randomn stuff about today. today morning report to school for running. ran, not as tired as ytd. yeahh. durng band. we had the video shooting. and alyssa's clarinet was being ruined by a basketball. due to boys playing soccer at the street soccer court and hitting the ball to hard. and the ball came flying in the sky and hit alyssa's clarinet. tskk.. band ended went to whitesand and headed home.
i cried, and yes i cried. i can't hold it any longer.
Something to share: "One day you'll come to me and asked me what's more important: You or my life I'll say my life and you'll walk away Never knowing that you are my life."
Saturday, January 27 @ 11:05 PM
Band I guessed, I played like shit today. ): serious time went for band at 2pm. before me set of to Spore Conference Hall. we practiced/rehearsed in school first. sunrise was alright. just that the saxos' melody part i kinda ruined it sometimes. T.T my low 'G' keep on going to the high 'G'. okay i got to concentrate properly in my 'G' ambusher. it sucks okay. everytime can't reach to the low 'G'. okay not everytime sometimes.. lols if my intonation went wrong. i going to get the whole band into deep shit. D: alavamar. starting was alright, till the running notes part. lols. i was like play play play, miss miss miss, then play play play, miss miss miss. okay, i admit some parts i was faking it out. :X i nearly broke down the last part. haha. but managed to like play finish. X.X around 4pm we set off to Spore Conference Hall. god. went i when in. i started to get pretty nervous. haha. :/ set up instrument and played sunrise first. sunrise was sucky. and i swear i can hear my own instrument damn clearly. even other instrument. whoever never plays i can hear it. okay not really whoever. like those near me one. :/ mrwong was freaking mad. we ruined sunrise. :X i got so tense up when we played sunrise the first time in the confernce hall that i miss notes in the melody or i played slower then the altos but luckily i managaed to catch up. haha. :X it was freaking scary i swear. the feeling was just there. imagine if syf day. ohhgod. i cant imagine X.X i think we did badly cos it was our first time playing in the hall bahh. alavamar, okay running notes play miss play miss. X.X as usual. seriously, i got to buck up on the running notes part. but i got to admit that i did managed to do better then the concert we held last month. but not alot better. just parts i managed to play already (: played finished, mrwong was mad and worried. can tell from his face. :/ i guessed, we all knew how bad we sounded... :/ pack up around 6pm. when we all signed in our instrument. hansley asked us to fall in, ms ng wanted to speak to us. she asked the alumni/seniors to tell us how we sounded. comments were all bad. after the alumni spoke finished ms ng talked to us, asking us to buck up. she scolded us alot and long. and i almost cried during one part. X.X i dont know why, just like a sad feeling that make me tear. she scolded each sections and stuffs. for saxo section, we didnt came in for the melody when we where suppose to. :X if we carry on playing like that, we going to end up with bronze or silver. and we want a GOLD. so yeahh. thrive hard for what we want. haha! :D im gonna learn the running notes properly and the sunrise saxo's melody properly. but, of course i think it will take me sometimes. i am kinda slow learner. lols.
not so serious. LOL anyway, every morning school day. we got to report to school at 6.45am! X.X ms ng wants us to run. ohhgodd. i will be lacking of sleeps then. i hate waking up early ehh and i cant wake up early :X we need to run around the school 2 times to build up our stamina. i dont like to wake up early i dont like to wake up early i dont like to wake up early... i think i am going to need alarms and wake up calls i think i am going to need alarms and wake up calls... haha. this is the sucky part. got to wake up early, every morning...
when we came out of the band room it was already dark around 8 i guessed. went out of school. evan and alyssa went back first. me and april decided to go ws to have our dinner. fredrick was telling me when i played sunrise. dont tongue to hard for the first note. the whole melody part suppose to sounds very soothly. he asked me to imagine the sun going to rise but not yet rise. the background hansley was humming the melody part. and it make me laughed. it is weird, to me? haha. cant concentrate on what fredrick was telling me. and i shoo him off. hoho! haha! hansley said i was playing like. a thunderstorm then suddenly no storm. lol. okay i will get that in mind play soothly and no thunderstorm. haha then went to white sand library cafe galiere for dinner. me and april ate spaghetti. followed by brownie with icecream. both were awesomely nice. hoho! walked around and we headed back.
and Spore WON Malaysia in the soccer match. lol. i literately heard people shouting from my room. lol. it was sure loud.
i got tonns of hw for the weekend. wish me luck in completing them D: hw sucks. :O
wooo. pretty long post. haha. :D shall end here. im pretty tired.
"one got to work hard to archieve what they want"
Thursday, January 25 @ 11:10 PM
I've got my veins all tangled close,
to the jukebox bar your frequent.
Sunday, January 21 @ 9:50 PM
Beautiful World - Take That
here standing in the rain the sun has gone again and nothing's gonna change time, i need a little time as you slip out of sight and nothing heals the pain.
and i know that it's you that's stopping me from falling crashing down, losing ground til i see you again and you know...
the sun will shine, and we will see there's nothing standing in our way love will stand and never break never thought this could be me do you feel what i feel? everytime that you are near it's a beautiful world a beautiful world
words are hard to keep inside even though i've tried, impossible to hide.
and you know that it's me that's stopping you from falling crushing down, losing ground til i see you again and you know...
i'll be the stars guiding you i'll be the place that you hide i'd run a thousand miles, a thousand miles to be by your side. nice song. (:
@ 2:21 AM
a super cute mv of wuzun & ella. zhuan shu tian shi by tank (: this song is the ost of hana kimi
Saturday, January 20 @ 11:28 PM
thursday recruit band audition. helped rasyidah to mend the so call "stall" lols. there were quite a few who can play the mouth piece. was pretty surprise that so many can blow.. cos i think it was hard to blow when i first blew it.. its like so fast 1 year already.. hmm. after recruitband audi. went to the soccer court stairs and sat with evan, johnson, aly and april. chatted alot there. went to ws library with evan, april, aly, johnson, hansley, rasyidah, fathia(i hope i spell it correctly. :/) met fredrick at the library then after that took 53 to changi airport with them. met up with dyna and f. went to eat at fish &co. talk alot. eat alot. lols. took a mrt back to pasir ris. it was getting late. ard 10 already. evan's dad send me home. then went home and i went to chiong art.
friday school. lets not talk about it. the dm is just completely nuts. she is a gone case..~ band - sectional. my counting is crap man. :X practised alavamar.
Today - Saturday. band - main band. went through alavamr. i am starting to get a hang of alavamar. hoho. next week sat, going to spore conference hall for syf rehearsal. sounds cool. lolol. X.X hoho! no drill. lols. went ws with evan and april band ended went ws, popular. get stuff. then rushed to go to cut my hair with evan. okay not cut trim. :/ went back ws again to get food. next went to my house makan.
damn monday having the public speaking workshop thingy.. i want to like dont go for it. it seems boring D:
ohya! happy birthday rasyidah! (:
ps. to know more what happen on friday, view alyssa's blog. more details provided. (:
"just wanna sit and stare at you.."
Tuesday, January 16 @ 9:29 PM
lets not talk about school. is normal. X.X anyway missvickikoh didnt come for 2 days already. :D lets hope she tmr doesn't comes too :D no geo and eng. ^^V
band today. marched with instrument. my neck hurts. damn. but, got to tolerate. :O hansley was down there commanding us with the pole. (forgotten what it is called) i was laughing when he first time did the commanding thing. like so funny and weird X.X so many weird actions? oO the percussion ppl super poor thing lahh. D: march with the drums. is like heavy~
recruit band on thursday. 2.30pm? if i not wrong.. should be going to see the juniors.. like to kpo kpo lahh. typical s'porean.. lolols!
"One Band One Sound, And The Gold's Ours" lols. band new motto. kinda cute. hoho.
anyway, Happy Birthday Shihui ^^V
"You know i was someone new All i can think is about you"
Thursday, January 11 @ 9:49 PM
school. my studies are very lag. need somemore time to get away from the holiday mood. x.x well the dm scuk. the rest are alright..
sec 1 cca orientation today. played lady marmelade, thunderer and alvamar (half way only) hansley got to play solo for the intro of instrument. and lolol. he cant decide what to play. and at last he decided on playing miss saigon one part. and imagine next year i got to like play solo already =.- scary bodoh. T.T well i will get super nervous. heart pump like some retarded heart already. okay, that was sarcastic.lolols! after performance, got lectures from misschan and missng. :O and we were kanna pumped 20 times. T.T after the lectures, we went to help carry percussion stuffs. got one part in the bomb shelter damn funny and weird? x.x *mr osman came in to band room. mr.o: hansley what are you doing here? h: (i dunno what he say ahh) mr.o: you're not suppose to be here h: tr nvm lahh. 50dollar gone mahh. mr.o: nonono! you quickly go up now (hansley needs to go for the superteen thingy) then, all the superteen ppl went out to band room omfg. the way he say 'nonono' is like super super funny and weird. like got sore throat like that.. and out of stupidity, i went to imitate the way he said nonono. lolol! :O
pack finished everything, went to canteen with evan, april and alyssa. we went to the canteen and started playing with evan's hamster johnson, jufri and firdaus was like di siao-ing the hamster. sat in canteen with april and evan, and chat with the 3 guys. (aly went back already) cos it was raining, decided not to go home so fast. but, ard 6 already it was still pouring. so we just decided to go back. yeahh.
and next thursday. hoho! the recruit band audition. i might be going. not sure :/ tmr there will be sectionals from 2 - 4pm. saturday there will be practice from 9 - 11.30am damn early man x.x! actually, i kinda envy the sec 1 recruit band, band pract for them is like super slack one.
i want to learn photoshop vectoring. but damn. is super hard man x.x! i can't understand... rahhhs!
writing love in her arms.
Sunday, January 7 @ 10:19 PM
alot of stuff happen the past few days.
friday - school damn sleepy.. lag man. :/ cca was funny? played Amazing Grace and Sunrise. amazing grace i keep on losing count? x.x Sunrise was kinda fun to play. lols.
Saturday - Evan's aunt's house place. it was a like exchange gifts party. ohhgod the exchanging gifts was super funny. most of them were like giving stupid presents. hoho! evan's mum was super funny. she opened this present and it says that she got to dance to Hips Don't Lie by Shakira before going ahead to the presents. and she really dance to it. damn.. i laugh super hard man. hahas! i got like a dog paper clip holder. kinda cute.
Sunday (today) - cousin's wedding. okays. i dunno if i should say it as wedding. is just like buffet? yeahh. was at swisshotel. the hotel was kinda cool lolols. the food there was not bad. all cousins relatives kinda gathered again after such a long time.. hahas. the next gathering will be like CNY. hoho! redpackets. :D *bling bling (:
okok! Fahrenheit is like coming to spore. hohoho! hazel girl gave me the detailed. those who are Fahrenheit fans might wanna go and get their autos? hoho! it is only 1day. details are below. i'm not confirm if i am going. is like in jurong. and i am super lazie to go all the way there..
(this is for the fahrenheit fc members i think) Details as below: 28 Jan: Fahrenheit Fans gathering Time: 2pm venue: k Box K union win entry pass method: *limited fans who have the event pass and albums, stay tune to 933, My Paper, I weekly and K Box (this is for public) 28 Jan: Fahrenheit ONE and ONLY autograph session Time: 6pm VenueL: IMM level 2 Stage ** we will only sign all 3 albums of SINGAPORE version. For 2nd and 3rd edition, please also produce the event pass*
okays. basically i think, u got to have the event pass to have their autos. (is the white paper which have the four drawn pic of them.) i have i have.! :DD
tmr school again =.- and having band tmr. damn. long day. err. not really. school starts late tmr. 8.15am i will be super sleepy again in school. not enough sleep lahhh. damn. x.x and not enough sleeps are like driving me nuts. cannot concentrate. sometimes i did hope that i can dont go school. and goes home schooling. hoho! thats is much more relax. hoho! :D hmmm. i might try home schooling if parents approved. :O but i doubt so? i getting laggy man. :/
I was feeling fine, you'll be coming clean tonight And I'll be falling down with you once again
Wednesday, January 3 @ 9:42 PM
first day of school. it was weird? i dont know how to say. yeahh :/ morning assembly end, went to 2.5 classroom. last year was at the front, this year is right at the back. lols. timetable is completely different from last year. complicating i must say. classmates i'm quite familiar with some. the teachers i'm not really. went to the hall, stayed there urber long. leg pain bodoh.. X.X if you want to know more what happen today at my school, visit alyssa's blog. more detailed provided there.
i think after 2 months of holi, now go back school. i am going to be damn lag.. :O tmr lessons start. damn! T.T
after school went centurysquare. went foodcourt to eat. then went to booked tix for Death Note 2. god. the movie is kinda draggy? but still okay lahh. L was like super cute when he put on this mask. lolols! hoho! xD the eyes was like O O. the mouth was like :O. hahas! i rate 3/5.
Tuesday, January 2 @ 2:57 AM
short post. im tired. :X met up with cass just now. went to get black hair dyed. awww. now our head is like black. sad case. kinda miss my dyed hair. lmao! tmr meeting evan. yeahh.
and hope my sina flu recover soon :E it is irritating..
Monday, January 1 @ 4:28 AM
damn having a flu suck man. :E and i am super hungry now! :E no food at home! :E
ohya! i forgotten to say that i saw cassandraong at downtown! lolols! long time no see man. tmr or should i say later on our hair going to be black man! sad case. T.T
@ 2:51 AM
Happy 2007 people! :D
kinda got into a fight with mum D: then was too fed-up and went out of the house. went to ws. met april. then soon nic and ivan joined us. went swensen to get drinks. lols. nic and ivan wanted me and april to go cityhall, i cant lahh. sorry. so i went downtown with april instead. the concert was kinda boring? .. met wensen. went out of the concert area and went to foodcourt. sat there. not long later wensen friends joined us, nicolas and johnathan. went out of foodcourt for awhile. saw wilson and his friend. chat with them for awhile and when in to foodcourt again. april and me then wanted to drink alcohol. :X so we all went cheers. johnathan try to pass. aww. he cant. so me and april ask a lady to help us. hoho! the lady agreed. bought barcadi and nite for me and april. ohhgod it was goood. hahas. khoorujun is jealous :X but, i promised her, her birthday try to get it for her. i'm good. lmao! :X drank finished we wanted to walk in to the concert thing already as it was around 11.30 already. went all the way to pizzahut there the place to enter. then on the way there we started to spray each other. and was having a whole loads of fun. then johnathan and nicolas and april was like spraying wensen. and wensen was like being cornered. lmao. the queue to get in was super long. so we kinda cut queue in and enter. okok. then we entered. and i heard 2 mins left. then ....... ok 1 min left. then .... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HAPPY NEW YEAR! *everyone shouts then the balloons on the ceiling was released then went out of the concert hall. me and april started calling everyone to wish them happy new year. hahas! okok. not really everyone. those close friends and family. then april, me, nicolas and johnathan walked to ws 7eleven. bought things and when outside. ok. damn. then i needed to head home. before a further arguement btwn me and my mum.. D: april walk me to the road there and headed back nd meet the guys. they are now playing soccer i think. hahas! i probably could had sneak out of my house. lmao! everyone at my house is asleep. but consequences, if someone finds out. i am in deep shit. D: its unpleasant. T.T okok. on the way back. some unknown people, but they were friendly? i dont know how to describe. they kinda wished me happy new year and guess what? this guy and girl sprayed me. i was like shocked. but ahya. new year must got fun mahh. so yeahh i didnt mind and went to wished them too. hoho! lols. shall end it up here. (: HAPPY 2007 EVERYONE. have a nice year ahead. (:
okay wait! before i end off this post. whats a new year without a new year resolution. hahs. :/ 1. i got to loose weight. lols! 2. my birthday faster arrive yeahh? 3. be more smart. lmao! 4. grow taller! damn. i'm short. :E 5. christmas arrive faster, then 2008 arrive. 6. this year would be a smooth year (: 7. everyone important to me to stay happy. :D 8. okay, for syf let coralband get a gold yeahh? everyone wants a gold for 2007!
"time will kill all of my hate let's end your selfish games"