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thanks for the big turtle. haha cute. ^^
thanks for the jacket you.
thanks mum.
something more than that...
i am still waiting for one...
went tampines
watched TMNT with evan rujun johnson and yj.
wanted to watch mrbean but all the tickets seems to be fully booked or the sitting arrangement is in the front row.
so yeahh. watch TMNT rate: 3/5
quite a nice show you know. haha.. me and rujun cannot believe we watch tmnt. haha.
i think i am going to catch stomp the yard pretty soon. heard it was a nice show. ^^
then after that around 7 rushed down to changi airport to meet april and have dinner together.
met april at around 9. lols. me evan and johnson was walking around changi airport with no sense of direction of where to go, while waiting for her.
went fish&co to eat. i was being sabbo-ed by april's jer. =.-
the whole crew plus april, jeremy, johnson, evan, johnson number 2 and patrick sang a birthday song for me. actually it was a really nice feeling. haha. :D
luckily it was late already. no one was in fish&co except us. hahaha!
thanks charmainelaizixian for that super loud birthday song. haha!
after school. followed aly to a place. several surprises occured.
as i climb out the stairs. first stop, candles on the floor plus my name. it was really nice!
another flight of stairs a cake on the floor. really sweet.
next flight. flour attack. =.-
ok did had fun lahh. but clearing the flour part is annoying. haha!
thanks, evan aly and april for those surprises. yeahh i love it.
after that i went for band smelling like flour .
after band haixing accompanied me to mac to have dinner.
she makes me laugh alot. hahaha.
speech day rehearsal
the blazer is weird.
the stockings are weird.
and hansley damn nonsense. haha.
opps. hopefully he doesnt see.. :D
you and your lovely smiles and laughters.
makes my day.
14 years old!
shall update tmr.
its getting late now and i want to sleep.
but got freak science project to do. D:<

the shirt and skirt for syf is not what we expected.
i wonder if the tailor is having a hard time understanding our designs or what.. =.-
band tmr.
sectional then mainband.
hopefully mainband everythings going to be alright.
so that we can please mrwong.
it might end up being love..
it was cool and very shiny. hahaaha.
not alot of sec2 can get a new instrument ya know. *grinnsss
okay fine lets talk about school.
term2 day2 seems to be super slacky in our class o.o
i dont know why..
mrsvickikoh won't be with us for 1 whole term. sad yeahh.
so, no english tr came to relieve us. so that 18yearsold teacher came in.
chinese lessons no one seems to be bothering the tr. kinda sad.. D:
misschiam maths lesson. learning algebra now. which makes her lessons even more boring.
i love the new timetable. hahahah!
we end school earlier. which is cool. :D
anyway, having homeecons test tmr.
need to mug yeahh yeahh..
anyway, heard from hansley that ms ng ballot our SYF date and it is on the 2nd day
i ain't feeling well.
having terrible dizzy spells and my whole body is aching big time. D:
having damn fever rahhhs! hate it.
may god bless me and allow me to get well soon :D

seriously i'm not in the mood to blog.
rather dejected due to some stuffs...
but to keep my blog alife. yeahh i am blogging (:
spend my night at evan's house
reach evan house. evan's sister let me ate her home-made chocolate with walnut. omg it was sensational :D
watch unborn firstly. there was no subtitle. eventually we cant understand the show as it was in thai. then we switch to The Convenant. the boys in the movie is hot! *grinss.
slept rather late that night. yeahh.
get all prepared. evan, april and me left evan house and went to whitesand mac for breakfast.
ate finish went to bombshelter to report for the camp.
had morning exercise, which is running x.x
after running, some played soccer while some went in to bombshelter.
those inside were playing concentration and 7-up
hansley came out with that idea
schedule for the day:
sectional, mainband, lunch, mainband
went to teck whye pri for the master class.
professor soichi gave us comments. and we were rather delighted with it.
yeahh we got to work more hard to obtain GOLD for SYF. :D
after the master class went back to school. and went to whitesand for dinner.
ate sakae or should i say hae sushi. lolol.
woodwind get to return so much faster then the brass. haha! no bus came to their rescue.
after dinner. mainband again.
mainband ended, time for us to bath. toilets were all fully occupied.
so aly evan april and me decided to wait. we sat at the podium there and talked.
fathiah and hansley joined us and chatted along.
morning exercise, breakfast, woodwind & brass sectional, de-brief of camp, home sweet home
band ended went ws with april for lunch.
april is such an lucking ass D:
she say her darling and saw _ . this is the 2nd time already lahh! #*$)@(^$&
i went home and headed to sleep.
anyway, my current blog song. a nice song by tangyuzhe (:
nothing much happen.
only during the flea market period. i was helping khoorujun to take pictures.
the canon EOS camera was superb cool. :D
after school, went back tp cps. ate lunch.
saw mrskwok, mrstanbian and mrshafi. chatted with them for awhile.
went back for mainband.
sunrise followed by alvamar.
got to admit that we did better a lil?
room for inprovement :D
during the night, conf with alyssa & hansley
was kinda stupid. play truth or dare on the phone.
cant play dare cos no one could see if you really done it. lolol
mainband today [or should i say just now]. usual stuffs alvamar + sunrise
march holiday, i got tonns of homeworks to do. wish me luck.
i will be MIA, for 2 days 1 nights
having bandcamp. on monday to tuesday.
kinda pathetic though. should had make it longer or something..
however i am actually looking forward & hopefully it is fun.
when i am back, if i have the time i will blog about it. :D
anyway, i think this holi, i must really find time to watch hanakimi man.
i have not really been catching up.
i'm only at episode 8. darn slow i know.
even the airing of hanakimi on tv is faster then me. =.-
"Don't you know My heart is pumping hope It's putting out the fight I got this feeling That everything's alright Don't you see I'm not the only one for you But your the only one for me "
which is kinda true.. i am too lazy to maintain it.
so yeahhh..
i shall blog tomorrow.
so, stay tune! (lol)
anyway, today is the last day of term1 and march holiday start.
seriously i dont feel the holiday spirit in me :x
next whole week. almost everyday i need to return to school for bandcamps and bandpractise.
i am looking forward to bandcamp. ^^V
haven't been updating recently. tired week.
this monday i am having my english and mother tongue common test. :E
have a sweet 14.
just now conf with evan and hansley. was telling ghost stories. lols.
yeahh evan went off and i called alyssa.
we conf for quite sometime.
when it was 12 midnight. hansley and i sang alyssa her birthday song.
alyssa was laughing her way through. lols.
"days without you, i cant breathe
you're the oxygen that i take in
my breath of fresh air"