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Potter Puppet Pals in "The Mysterious Ticking Noise" -Hilarous. Lol.
> friday
first 2 periods were totally slack period. idk why, mrs ho was not teaching us anything. as i was very tired, i just lie down through her period. ms mathani didn't come, so second period gone. rested again.
for our assembly, had some stars stuff by forgotten which class. telling us more about sec 2 streaming and next year subject. didn't hear much though.
band afterwards. gotten 2 new pieces - 'GR' Selection and Ross Roy. pretty cool. nice pieces they are. shall post the songs up if i had the time.
> yesterday
went downtown's mac cafe to study. along with felicia, hansley, april and jerial.
ok, not study, but did my hw instead.
after 2 hours or so, we went different ways with the guys.
felicia went home after awhile, so left with me and april.
bladed around outside bk area for fun.. waited for yj to come.
when he reached, we went to a skate rental shop. waited for april to rent a skate and yeahh off we go.
so bladed from dte to elias there. april is super kuku when blading. haha. cartoon ahh. went to the so call skating arena. super small though :/
saw a number of kids and adults learning to blade from an instructor, pretty cool.
later on, shawn joined us.
by then my blister on my feet was kinda pain. i know i'm lousy. lol.
all four of us went to dte to makan.
ate finished, went to ws to get my water soluble color pencils. Lol.
so yeahh, walked back home with shawn then. haha funny guy.
rahhh, i just want my holiday to arrive soon.
and i am a very restless person, i've not been getting enough sleep.
and i want/need to get enough sleep if not i will be restless for the whole day.
what am i talking. Lol
In places no one would find
All your feelings so deep inside
ohh, it was pretty. the fireworks sparkled brightly :)
just minus the tall tree that was blocking part of our view -.-
for that moment, i hope i had the view where hx and felicia was sitting. Lol.
waited for the crowd to subside and then we walk to city hall mrt.
train back, then bus home.
i slept at 4am and in the morning, and i didn't want to wake up ):
loads of hw to be complete! but i'm taking my time to do it. i better get going on my hw, ~~
it will be better if you're there..
That makes me stomach turn
My heart beats fast
school this week is kinda Boring.
during lessons time, i just hope there is a bed just right near me. Lol.
i want my holidays soon ): i miss cousin Joey. i wish to see her soon. ):
anyway, i watched Secret already.
the show is pretty ok for jay's first director debut. but the plot is rather complicating.
the show can make girls cry i guess. haha. really touching?
Rate: 3.5/5
i need to blade soon. those wheels have not been rolling for sometimes, so maybe i should bring them out to roll some time soon. Lol.
soon~ but i guess its a wet weather, there goes my day ):
maybe i should migrate there. Lmao.
It was a long day yesterday.
many things happened.
i shivered, i stone, i laugh, i eat, i got tired, i feel sick, i miss, i walk, i went to the beach, i went to vivo, i wonder, i talk, i was bored, i listen, i've got embarrassed, i created nonsense, i look, i wish, ...
now, misses :/
I'm not angry, just upset..
Start of with Sunday
accompanies: april and her bro, evan, johnson.
it was Johnson's birthday. we went changi airport's Fish n Co. yes again. haha.
johnson had the birthday song by fishnco's crew. cool. haha
after that caught Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at Century.
the movie was kinda disappointing. alot of parts are missing ): rate 3/5.
show ended, evan and johnson headed home first.
april, her bro and me head off to have our dinner. then went to the playground at tm. april played the giddy-spinning-thingy. and caused herself to feel unwell after that. Lol.
School's parade today, hmmm, i like never woke up super early. :/
pump 100 today, arms like not tiring ahh.
parade was horrible, terrible, vegetable..
Paragon was fun and cool. the band sounded more alive, somehow~
the bombastic sun is !@^%*@%! its making me darker ):
alot of coralites came, even dm went, coolness. like surprise :o
performance was so-so i guess. idk why, but alvamar sounds alive again. Lol.
sang mrwong a birthday song at paragon.
bus back to school. dinner at ws's mac. and people, i'm not jiwang lahh. lol. its just that when i'm tired, my mind is like in the off mood, not into the on mood. so don't get the wrong idea.
the girls were playing some mind games, i seriously don't get all the mind games, probably tired?
played the "How many meh-meh jump over the wall?", i seriously don't get it after a long time? like total blur case.
Time Square can't shine as bright as you..
Labels: performance
had ndp rehearsal once, after that had main band for seniors. went through paragon stuffs.
after band ended, a lil 'surprise' for celestine. haha Happy Flourful-Birthday :)
then after that, hoho, i had a packet of flour still, so i went to pour it on evan. heehee :/
so, evan hx feli and me walked to whitesand to clean ourselves. but mos called us to return to the place to clear up. so yeahh yeahh. we got to head back to opposite school and clear up the flour mess we created.
so wash wash, scrub scrub~
when everything was done, peeps start to head home. left me evan pam and lookuang. we bought instant noodle and yeahh we chatted.
today i like not rushing here and there. Lol.
woke up early and went for band. had sectionals. lalala~ kinda usual stuffs.
band ended, went home to get changed and quickly took a train down to orchard.
i was alone ahh, lucky mp3 with me. phew.~
so yeahh, reach orchard headed to paragon. lalala~ i wasn't late.
ohh yeahh, i had fun playing with wwcb. :) Disco Kid is cool. i tried my best to play it ahh. lady marmalade's choreography, alamak, lets not talk about it. i like retarded lahh :/
the bombastic afternoon sun. hopefully wednesday won't be that hot!
overall, yeahh the performance was cool.
polished my saxo just now. Lol. hoho, its shiny now. *looks at the saxo see my own reflection :D*
ohya, doing words search is such a good thing when you've boring lessons like history and physic.. anyway, i'm tired. so i shall stop here :)
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if i had no other way
Labels: performance
mocking bird by eminem. enjoy
yesterday, ndp rehearsal.
the sun was bombastic yesterday. when i went home, i felt sick. thats the reason why i wasn't myself. sorry peeps. i took my temperature, it wasn't normal. haha! i'm cold blooded. :/
didn't went school today.
first thing, couldn't wake up, my body aches big time ):
secondly, partially, teachers' assignment not complete ):
woke up feeling that i'm in lalaland. Lol.
when school end. met april, evan and went in school with them.
after that, found rujun. and we headed to CS Sakae. hoho. i love sushi. Lol.
when we reach pasir ris mrt station, khoo found her wallet lost and it was in school. so she ran back, and lucky her, her wallet was still there :)
alot of stupid things happened at sakae. khoo and me ate too much until our stomach was bloated. yeahh yeahh.
ate finished. went walking around CS and TM.
saw alot of nice shirts at Esprit. their clothes are nice, but their prices are even nicer o.O
headed home soon after khoo gotten celest's present.
and i left my chinese hw at sakae! damn. i'm so gonna fail term 3's chinese. ):
stop here for now :)
But something tells me I miss someone..