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this week, revisions and more revisions. :E
maths maths maths~~ can explode while studying it. Hah
exams start on next wednesday. panic at the exam hall! Lol siol~
13(?) more days till exams are over. 5 more days and exams start.
weekends are here ^^ late nights for me for almost the whole week ):
rums n raisin ice cream is nice. :D
your presence is the best comfort..
anyway SWS concert was a great one.
haven't been updating my blog lately. exams are pretty close. busy mugging. hah.
tmr i'm having my compo papers, both el and chinese. rahhh, i hope i dont screw chinese :/
tuesday is gonna be a long day in school for me. blah! stars's presentation. i think the project is a total waste of time.
3 oct, all my eoy papers will start rolling in. Lol. kinda need a stress ball now ah. :(
algebra totally needs alot of practice. for history "....."
ohh well, study hard neenee.. after exams you can have the fun. :)
Putting these feelings into words is so blue..

weekends are here, lovely. i want sleeps (:
going for SWS Concert on sunday at vch. might post if i'm free.
eoy is coming, lesser post i guess. need to start revising ahh. Lol. 8)
anyway, school this week was alright. revisions and stuffs.
had quite alot of free period though. kinda weird ahh. Lol.
band today, tried a lil of "GR" Selection, coollie~
my flu need to get better. yeahhyeahh. keep on having block ears cos i keep on sneezing. hah! abit irritating though but bearable..
that means holidays are coming, but, have to finish eoy first. ("_)
hw not completed, somehow. good luck neenee :3
i'm having headache now. gahhh~ i need panadol. yeapp it will do fine :)
i need to sleep. tmr school! need energy for classes siol~
You're on my heart.. It always been..

ecb, nice place to blade though..
i fell cos of a big twig that i didnt see, kinda stupid i know. Lol. next thing i knew that my knee was oozing with blood. :/
april, funny ahh today. hah. and the yellow radish thing is totally disgusiting. i'm wondering, why you like it~?
I'll never have the nerve to ask.
"GR" Selection, enjoy :)
lalala~ sept holidays are here, but it ain't really a holiday. alot of things to catch up for eoy ):
friday updates*
lower sec had cross country competition. and my class won. pretty awesome. hah.
concert later on, alright though. concert ended and went back primary school.
saw loads of peeps from my batch, didn't see alot from my ex class ):
alot of things happen on later the day, lazy to elaborate :/
anyway, how i spent today.
> met april at cavana and went to blade.
> dinner time, went to met mum, and had dinner with her at Lerk thai.
woooo~ i love tom yam soup :D
and i saw this hoody shirt by Dorothy Perkins during one of my visit to Bugis. pretty cool.
so, i here i am deciding whether i should buy. Lol. i'm pretty broke now :/
i feel like saving loads of money and then splurge on all the things i want. Lolol. whatever renee~
So, one week huh?
I guess, i'll miss you..
Labels: band pieces