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26 dec, boxing day. lazy to elaborate the day.
went evan's house to party with peeps. eat, talk, cook, exchange present, majong...
caught a night movie with peeps. watched I am Legend. and i think the story line is "..."
but the suspense was there. so cheers to that.
movie ended and i was, "huh? like that end already ahh? so fast! ): cheat my money.." hahaha!
cab home to pasir ris with hx evan johnson and i. feli and april solo home ahh. lol.
so yah, slept over evan's place. caught a lil of love actually at her house abit (o.o) hahaha! evan will understand~ slept pretty late. but suffered the next day~
27 dec, band exchange.
tiring but fun day. ^^ food comm, rush here and there. ~~~
lazy to elaborate the day. when i got home, drop to bed lahh, tired.. ):
There’s so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

hx, feli & i went to get out hair cut yesterday.
i really went for something different for me? idk.
i don't know if i like my new hair cut. Lol. i find it weird and ok at the same time. o.o hmmm?
maybe i shall rebound it hmm..
after our hair cut we went cafe cartel. took loads of pictures. shall post the pictures soon i guess.
dont have the time to post it today as i have to sleep soon. tmr is band. :/
(posted the picture already, but its at my lj web)
ensemble ensemble, i feel a lil anxious~ ):
why nice jeans so expensive ):
Don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die..
Jay Chou - 我不配
random blubbering
damn. i like that jeans ):
did i spend my holiday well? hmmm. i was flipping through my next year books and i dont understand a single thing. what will next year be like? hmmm. i hope its not going to be a crazy and hectic year. i want life to be like sec 1 and 2. gahhh..
I vous manquez :/
so, monday went to Republic poly with the percussionist.
the school looks like hospital cum some nice apartments. lol.
practise my ensemble piece with sarimah. will be there on wed again. long bus ride~ i don't really like it though...
need to get x'mas gifts soon. christmas is coming yo :)
the hardest part of this..
So Close by Jon McLauglin (enchanted soundtack)
last start with monday
had some horn section chalet, was invited. bbq and usual stuff.
ohh mind, i have been having chalet for the last past 2 weeks monday and tuesday :x
around 1am went out of the chalet.
bladed back to april's house, stayed over there. night blading is crazy. hhaha.
tuesday, went home around 12 noon. brush teeth and wash face, went to sleep yo.
woke up around 2. freaking sleeping :x bathe and went to meet evan and hx.
went orchard with them. caught Enchanted at cathy.
the show is like lala nice haha. very unique show
show finish, went to walk around orchard.
Revoltage got nice shirt lahh. april 77 jeans are nice but like cheap lah! want to buy also no money. if buy already, mum will probably shoot me to pluto. random :/
had dinner ar ngee ann city with them.
went to far east, but when we went there, the shops mostly are closed -.-
much to our disappointment, we then decided to head home then
train ride then bus ride.
christmas is coming. shalalala Lol. :D
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are..