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i think i should blog today cos today is a leap year. and i'll only get to blog on this day in another 4 more years time. so yahh.
band practise today was okay ahh. merry widow again. o.o i want play alvamar =/
after band rush to east coast park hawker centre for dinner, with peeps.
lala, fried kway teow, chicken wings, carrot cake, satay, rojak, indian rojak.
super bloated after we ate finish. ecp reminds me of blading. shall go there soon to blade, i hope..
anyway came across this article underwater hotel (click) freaking cool. if i have the money, i will visit this hotel! fyi, i love the ocean. ok, those clear water one, not dirty one. hahaha.
Ce qui peut je vous ramener?...
Look After You - The Fray
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you won't you, be the one I'll always know
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down.
Anyway, some random stuff for you peeps interested in local music.
Who: The Great Spy Experiment
Date: March 9
Time: 9pm
Venue: Concourse
$$$: Free

ate fish n co at suntec, calamari is love. hoho. we were freaking full after eating half of our fish n chips. johnson was so fascinated with the soccer match, chelsea against liverpool? lol. boys will be boys. and evangeline can't stop disturbing johnson. hahaa. their way of showing love ahh. *winkwink. felicia and i was super full that we were literately trying to force ourself to eat. hah funny.
after the movie walked around. and then i went to meet mum and aunties for dinner together. home next. super tired.
and after midnight, i dont know why, when i pick up Twilight. i can't stop reading the book. each chapter is getting more and more interesting. and the way the writer describe edward cullen, is making me go gaga. =/ hah! damn, its sad to know he's a fictional character. awwww!
now i feel like buying the whole series.
"If you stay, i don't need heaven" -from Twilight
If the heart is always searching, Can you ever find a home?
Happy Valentine's Day, all. cheers :)
today was alright -i dont know how to say it. but whatever, i think i enjoyed my day afterall.
If only, if only....
school start tmr again. damn. D: so fast. !@#!&^#
i wish the cny break was longer... lol (cos i can sleep longer on weekdays)
hardcore studying tmr again again again, come on i needa break. school bores/makes me sleepy sometimes... just minus the the wacky time with april disturbing evan in class. and trying to solve that god damn rubix =/
suppose to go visiting with peeps today, but cancelled to next weekend i guess? hmm. sounds cool. hahaha. hb ^^
anyway, ytd when i went shopping with mum, i heard nine in the afternoon(studio version) on the radio. i was like '???". hahaha! so fast 98.7 have the song? abit weird sia to hear it on the radio, makes me wanna listen to the live version more~~ O.O
i was thinking of rambling alot of stuffs, but i forgotten alot of them. so yahh. maybe i should stop here. i am tired and i need complete my hw ):
and my stomach cramp is giving me hell again. whole day already lehh ):
valentine's day coming, xoxo. hahaha!
I vous manque
Cause' I've seen love die way too many times
When it deserved to be alive
school was the same old thing. i am still wondering what is mr lim teaching, i dont understand physic!
just now went out with mum to tm. bought a dress and had my converse shoe changed. yeahh i prefer the sneaker i changed.. much more messy. hahaha.
actually i wanted to get a 100 bucks dress which looks super cute. but LUCKILY, i found one even nicer and cheaper, so in the end i got that. cool, i save like 70 bucks. and i like the dress :)
cny coming :D hoho! i feel like buying so many things suddenly. lol. =/
i want to blade.. my wheels are rotting. yeahhyeahh :E random~
anyway, i caught Swenny todd already. on the net of course. lol. i can't watch it in the local cinema, screw m18 ): the storyline to the movie is rather cool. and the ending was a twist -unexpected.