[Hear You Me - Paramore]
Yesterday morning had speech day. last one with this year sec 4 seniors. awww. and i didn't notice that humpty was there until the last performance. =/
my evening was awesome. :D pictures up hopefully soon at my lj once i edit everything.
not everyone made it ): xingxing and aly why never come?
anyway, thank you evan april seetoh hx for the presents. i love it. lol. the cushion you all gave, is a good punching bag when i'm sad or whatever. hahahahaha. just thinking of the cushion makes me laugh. hahaha. the sunflower makes my day :D
fish n co for dinner. we were are very very full. and those who ate seafood platter got so sick of the calamari. lol. birthday song from fish n co's crew. had to stand on the chair. new tactic from the team. o.o free ice-cream!
after dinner we went to viewing mall. hahaha. felicia is so gay and i think i'm freaking out because of her. she's craving for breezer. tsktsk..
later the night. we then decided to head home. took a bus back with feli while evan took with johnson. in the bus, seetoh freak me out again. tsk.
overall, i enjoyed it :) i think i have the longest birthday celebration this year. coooool.
shutter tmr ahh xing and sook
went to get my ic picture done just now. i got one small eyes, and one big eyes. and i went Lol-ing all the way.
It feels like a hole within me...

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Sunday, March 30 @ 9:05 PM
Don't look so blue
Wednesday, March 26 @ 9:07 PM
A year older
[The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know - PATD]
Today is the day i turn 15. (One more year to nc16. lmao)
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, gifts, i even have unknown people smsing me(o.o)...
I love all your gifts, really. Even if its cha sao bao, satay, eraser or whatever crap. I will like it lahh. Its the thoughts that count~ :)
Khoo, thanks for the 2 ahem. lol. And thanks for the balloon, its cute!
Seetoh, the card was really sweet. thanks. And the for the lily, thanks. But its dying! Maybe a sunflower to replace? haha! jk.
Nothing really happened today, just alot of birthday wishes. Saturday i'll then celebrates with peeps :D Looking forward to it.
I hope there will be no "white christmas" for me on saturday. I'm pretty sure evan and april is up to something really 'deadly' to me. lol.
All the stars and boulevards ain't close enough for you
Today is the day i turn 15. (One more year to nc16. lmao)
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, gifts, i even have unknown people smsing me(o.o)...
I love all your gifts, really. Even if its cha sao bao, satay, eraser or whatever crap. I will like it lahh. Its the thoughts that count~ :)
Khoo, thanks for the 2 ahem. lol. And thanks for the balloon, its cute!
Seetoh, the card was really sweet. thanks. And the for the lily, thanks. But its dying! Maybe a sunflower to replace? haha! jk.
Nothing really happened today, just alot of birthday wishes. Saturday i'll then celebrates with peeps :D Looking forward to it.
I hope there will be no "white christmas" for me on saturday. I'm pretty sure evan and april is up to something really 'deadly' to me. lol.
All the stars and boulevards ain't close enough for you
Sunday, March 16 @ 10:38 PM
Hold on to your words
Its been long since i blog. hah. I'm lazy.
School starts tmr again. *@$^#&*#%*# Gahh. My stacks of hw, projects are seriously not completed. Only a few. Shall chiong tomorrow. Lol!
The march holiday just went by so fast. Tsk! How i wish it was longer... who doesn't? hahaha.
Tomorrow school starts, hardcore studying again. gahh.
So lets see, Friday went to cafe cartel with feli after cca. She made me had a good laugh after such a long time. We sat, talk, eat, snapsnap, felicia writing her name and mine on the plate(with melted chocolate. shall post it up in my lj hopefully soon), paid the bill. Cafe Cartel's student meal is a steal. zomg. haahaha. Overall i had fun.
Yesterday out to vivo with irene. Caught Spiderwick Chronicles. Didn't make me felt bored. So yahh. i think its good. After the movie, she drove me to bedok south for the famous ba cho mee. It was good. :)
I need to get my i/c done after my birthday. I keep have this feeling, i am going to loose it when i get it after a few days.. lol. random random~
That you feel while listening to every word that I sing.
Tuesday, March 4 @ 8:31 PM
ACMY's Birthday
Happy 15th Birthday Alyssa Chee :D
hope you had fun today and the 'great' time when u had chocolate cake over your face. hahaha.
hope you had fun today and the 'great' time when u had chocolate cake over your face. hahaha.