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Tuesday, May 27 @ 8:12 PM
To the beat in my head, It goes oh, oh-oh-oh.
[I'm a wonder - The Cab]
lets see, i got back my mye result. i just felt that my scores were predictable and i wish i could do better. and as expected i scored a whopping F9 for physic. power, lol. gahh.. :(
anyway, band camp is just a few days away. kinda hope that the games stuff will run smoothly. we only had about 2 weeks to plan everything out! =/had band practises this 2 days with the junior. lets see what we did. lol, basic training 2hr++ bodoh! aku tired of it. but at least we did play pieces like a song for you and caro mio ben. =/ wth, i miss alvamar like shyt! ): ytd, had a chat with suhaylah at mac. we were talking how we miss those days when we practise alvamar like crazy for syf '07 with the seniors. we miss those jokes from daryl and wardah. things are so different now.. gahhh. time cannot rewind yeahh? why am i getting so nostalgia with this. hahahaha. probably should just face it and improve ourself ehhh?anyway, think this will be the last post before i head out for camp, so i am gonna end it with a quiz pass down from mx.1. What is the most important things in your life?Everything i dear.2. What is the last thing you bought with your own money?breadtalk bread3. Where do you wish to get married?somewhere lovely. maybe the beach area?4. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your lover?lol. owned sounds so wrong.. okok random. maybe 23-26 y/o?5. Are you in love?hmmmm...6. What was the last restaurant you had dinner?pizzahut i think?7. Name the latest book you bought?Eclipse. that was months ago =/8. What is your full name?Renee kwek shuxian9. Do you prefer your mother or father?mother10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.Brendon Urie would be lovely. hah11. Christina or Britney?christina12. Do you do your own laundry?nope. =/13. The most exciting place you want to go to?Hollywood baby. But maybe i wanna go to Great Barrier Reef first. :D14. Hugs or kisses?both are lovely.15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged youmx: weird, very weird, very very weird, very very very weird, not friendly (hahahaha)16. 8 things I'm passionate about.- Getting a iMac- Stop screwing up my exams.- rockin' \m/- music- i really dont know what to write.17. 8 things i say too often?- rock on \m/- omg- lol- chill~- wahh lau- ehh ehh ehh!- don't anyhow touch touch ahh (applies to evan only. hahaha. we're not what you're thinking ;])- wth =/18. 8 books I've recently read?twilight, new moon, eclipse, hp: deathly hallows, ...19. 8 songs I could listen to over and over again?collide by howie dayboston by augustanabring it (snake on plane) by cobra starshipslow down by the academy is...decorating for cinco de mayo by kenotiathree cheers for five years by mayday paradeadore by paramoremary jane by the click five8 people to tag: AnyoneMissing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too.
Sunday, May 18 @ 7:59 PM
Keep holding on, 'Cos you know we'll make it through
ECP yesterday with seetoh. We own the lanes! haha we were like dancing to Low(trying to balance ourself too. hah) while blading. overall i had fun. We bladed for about 5hours? of course with break every now and then..
anyway, i was being tagged to do this.
1. People who've been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated my themselves.
2. Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who were tagged cannot refuse. These people must stare who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by back. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. Do you love yourself?
I guess so?
2. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
"Why did you do thattttt?"
3. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
I wanna be somebody. Woah! HAHAHA.
4. What will your dream wedding be like?
Unique & Memorable5. What's your ideal lover like?
Just someone who say "I love you" and mean it. :)
6. Which is more blessed: loving someone or being loved by someone?
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
I can wait for someone but how long will i wait, that got to depend how determine i am..
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Errr? Upset?
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
So many things lahh~~
10. What do you want most in life?
I want a life that is full of surprises.
11. Is being tagged fun?
12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
I will be 25(omg that's old. hahaha). I will be in the working and probably married.
13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Friends & families.
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- Faris? Funny dude. hahaha
15. Would you rather be; single and rich or married but poor?
Lets see.. hmm..
16. What's the first thing you do every morning?
"Ahhh~ Give me 5 more minutes!"
17. Would you give all in a relationship?
Of course?
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
19.What type of friends do you like?
Understanding, thrustworthy, humorous.
20. What type of friends do you dislike?
If i dislike a friend, why would they be counted as my friend? o.o8 people: AnyoneI’ll start this broken heart. I’ll fix it up so it will work again, better than before. Then I’ll star in a mystery, a tragic tale of all that’s yet to come. Fingers crossed there will be love.
Sunday, May 11 @ 11:14 PM
This wounds won't seem to heal
Let's rock 'cos exams are over! \m/
Friday, right out amaths paper 2. rush back home to change and went to meet joey.
its been ages since i saw her. ok, maybe not ages but months. =/
went to town with her to shop and walk around. we got ourself clothes and stuff. after one whole day of walking i swear both our feet were super tired. hahaha and i decided that when i get home i will go and use aunty's osim leg massage. hahahaha. shiok lehh! it was a fun but super shag day. hope to hang out with her soon :)
Saturday, went to tjc symphonic band concert with khoo. she brought the school's dslr just because we are going out together. i swear she is super nice :D
the concert was great. i think i fell in love with the sound of oboe. hahahaha! maybe i should learn how to play it. muahahaha. their skit is hilarous, just like the previous year.
the concert ended, we went outside vch and started playing with the dslr. khoo taught me how to function the exposure for the cam. and i was happily playing with it.
ps. when i was looking at one of the picture. i think exposure is scaring the shyt out of me, for now. hahahah reminded me of the movie shutter, omg =
we then walk slowly from vch to city hall mrt station. on the way we talked alot alot alot. train back we also talked alot. hahaha
the pictures we take, i will post up at my lj hopefully soon. there's tonn of them to edit =/
tmr there will be no school. three cheers to that cos i will be going to wild wild wet with peeps. and i hope we will have a gooooooooooood time there :)
peace out
Je ne sais pas quoi faire quand je vous voir =/
Thursday, May 8 @ 9:18 PM
Saturday, May 3 @ 2:20 AM
I'll be the narrator of a boring tale
" 'cause I'm drowning (when I close my eyes)
And I'm fallin' (can't breath tonight)
And a story I fade to black inside (inside)
Singing myself to sleep
And you're still my favorite melody
It's been three weeks
How long can this go on?
Singing myself to sleep
And you're haunting every memory "
- Zzzzz by The Cab
i feel like eating seafood.
and i misses the pink guitar outside marina'a revoltage outlet.
and i don't feel like studying for the remaining papers.and the weather this few days is so damn hot! >:(
and i am typing nonsense now.