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Sunday, August 31 @ 1:06 AM
Give me some direction
At last the september holiday is here. Time to have a good break and study? I know i dont have the mood to do that =/
Friday - School. Had a walk-a-thon, 4km walk. Wth right? lol. From school to highway to tamp back to school. The walk-a-thon abit waste of time ahh. After that, there was a concert. Band peeps got our band teachers a mini surprise for them.
Anyway, during the evening celebrated xing's late birthday with evan and johnson. Went to catch Wall-E, pretty cute and interesting show. Though like half of it is like silent movie? Lol. Me and xing were sitting at the couple seat. lol. So me and her started to act ghey cos everyone at the couple sit are like you know you know~ Hee.
Show ended and we went to have our dinner. After dinner, surprise haixing with a small cake. Hope she had fun :)
Saturday -Band practise followed by some Leadership Course for band leaders @ ACJC.
I want to watch death race and 4bia but its freaking nc16. sad sad sad
It's late and i am very tired. Tata
I feel so empty inside and it feels as if i'm drunk cos i can't think.
Sunday, August 24 @ 9:56 PM
Stop saying goodbye
Built to Last - Melee
Yesterday evening went for evan's sis, elithia, 21st Birthday party cum evan's parent 25th anniversary. Super cool.
It was great. Just minus the rain and stupid earthworms! ewwwww! HAHA So many of them some more! Rainy weather caused me to blade for just 15 min and it start to rain cats and dogs. Irritating -.- Waste my energy to bring my blades. Now i'm afraid my bearings will end up cocky...
The music was awesome. The stereo was blasting its head off with tonns of nice beats song.
The songs and atmosphere plus alcohol were that good that it really felt like a chalet clubbing area. hah! Oh yeahh, Evan's sis was being corner by 5-6 of her guy friends including her bro And they did dirty dancing. Was laughing my head off. hee =/ Imagine you're in that situation. hmmmmmm. I will totally freak out LOL. The funniest part was that all the guys was in their army uniform..
You see people get high/drunk, people dancing their head off, people chatting, people like evan trying to drag me to dance -.-, people like fairul repeating how hot is evan's bro, you see people like johnson trying to dance, you see people throwing their friends into the pool, basically you see people having fun.
Anyway, i stayed over at the chalet. And next day xing came. They swam while i didn't. No extra clothes lahh. Make me sad only ): After dinner, went back with xing and we saw loads of earthworms again when we were going back. Gross! D:
Tmr is school. And i think i am still in the weekend mood. Neeeeeeeeeed to get back to the studyingggggggggg mooooooooood lahhhhhhhhhh deyyyyyyyyyy =/
"You're all that I'd hoped I'd find
In every single way
And everything I could give
Is everything you couldn't take
Cause nothing feels like home, you're a thousand miles away
And the hardest part of living
Is just taking breaths to stay"
Yesterday evening went for evan's sis, elithia, 21st Birthday party cum evan's parent 25th anniversary. Super cool.
It was great. Just minus the rain and stupid earthworms! ewwwww! HAHA So many of them some more! Rainy weather caused me to blade for just 15 min and it start to rain cats and dogs. Irritating -.- Waste my energy to bring my blades. Now i'm afraid my bearings will end up cocky...
The music was awesome. The stereo was blasting its head off with tonns of nice beats song.
The songs and atmosphere plus alcohol were that good that it really felt like a chalet clubbing area. hah! Oh yeahh, Evan's sis was being corner by 5-6 of her guy friends including her bro And they did dirty dancing. Was laughing my head off. hee =/ Imagine you're in that situation. hmmmmmm. I will totally freak out LOL. The funniest part was that all the guys was in their army uniform..
You see people get high/drunk, people dancing their head off, people chatting, people like evan trying to drag me to dance -.-, people like fairul repeating how hot is evan's bro, you see people like johnson trying to dance, you see people throwing their friends into the pool, basically you see people having fun.
Anyway, i stayed over at the chalet. And next day xing came. They swam while i didn't. No extra clothes lahh. Make me sad only ): After dinner, went back with xing and we saw loads of earthworms again when we were going back. Gross! D:
Tmr is school. And i think i am still in the weekend mood. Neeeeeeeeeed to get back to the studyingggggggggg mooooooooood lahhhhhhhhhh deyyyyyyyyyy =/
In every single way
And everything I could give
Is everything you couldn't take
Cause nothing feels like home, you're a thousand miles away
And the hardest part of living
Is just taking breaths to stay"
Sunday, August 17 @ 7:45 PM
How empty can one feel?
Friday, August 15 @ 10:46 PM
Butterflies are filling my guts
Remembering Sunday - All Time Low
It has been oneweekoneday.... youwontdothingswithoutareason,right?
My baby niece is so cute siolx. Omgomg! hahahaha! Even the way she cries is like~~
Monday was a public holiday. Went orchard with xing. It was a good day. Xing's flats gave her a hard time. HAHAHA. It really make me day...
School this week was alright i think? Chem practical today and the burette have air bubbles and i only realise it when i start to do the experiment. ): That means i have to re-do but due to time constrain, tr stopped us. But it was cool doing lab work lahh. This is like only my second time doing hands on this year?
And i just realise my EOY exams are in less than 2 months. o.o
I am going to start my amaths tuition next week i guess. I need amaths tuition badly lahh if i want a A for both maths. Cos i'm intending to stop myself to try to understand physic. -.-
Its abit crazy to start tuition so late but whatever, i will do my best yeahh?
neh-neh need to sleep already, tmr i have band practise. haha.
Spirited Away
"We will linger on
It has been oneweekoneday.... youwontdothingswithoutareason,right?
My baby niece is so cute siolx. Omgomg! hahahaha! Even the way she cries is like~~
Monday was a public holiday. Went orchard with xing. It was a good day. Xing's flats gave her a hard time. HAHAHA. It really make me day...
School this week was alright i think? Chem practical today and the burette have air bubbles and i only realise it when i start to do the experiment. ): That means i have to re-do but due to time constrain, tr stopped us. But it was cool doing lab work lahh. This is like only my second time doing hands on this year?
And i just realise my EOY exams are in less than 2 months. o.o
I am going to start my amaths tuition next week i guess. I need amaths tuition badly lahh if i want a A for both maths. Cos i'm intending to stop myself to try to understand physic. -.-
Its abit crazy to start tuition so late but whatever, i will do my best yeahh?
neh-neh need to sleep already, tmr i have band practise. haha.
Spirited Away
"We will linger on
Time cannot erase a feeling this strong"
Friday, August 8 @ 9:41 PM
Really, i don't want to let this go
Yesterday was the best day i ever had :)
gahh, i was really shy...
Tmr's national day, and i got a long mini holiday, coolness!
Saw this at a random blog and decided to do it. Rather interesting..
- Pick your birth month.
- Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you.
- Bold the five-ten that best apply to you.
Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others.Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.
gahh, i was really shy...
Tmr's national day, and i got a long mini holiday, coolness!
Saw this at a random blog and decided to do it. Rather interesting..
- Pick your birth month.
- Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you.
- Bold the five-ten that best apply to you.
Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others.
Saturday, August 2 @ 10:43 PM
This delicate balance, vulnerable
Shan Hu Hai
Ahhh this song makes me sad but i want to try the piece. The sax soli like so cool! HAHAHA.
Past 2 days had performance at Paragon. One with coral another with westwood. Gah, i am so tired... My legs are seriously aching.. But yahh it was cool, duhhh. HAHAHA :)
I got to admit their pieces are so much nicer then our repertoire...... But, we're still cool people. HAHAHA
I wanted to get the tickets for singfest 2nd day concert. BUT when i went to check just now, tickets are sold out. -.- And i won't get the tickets at door cos it freaking cost 250 buckarooooos. Cheat my money siolx! T-T
I shall sleep early today. I didn't even sleep 11hr for the past 2 nights. That pretty much explain why i look so -.- after today's performance... Yesterday wasn't that bad, as i have people entertaining me like, joelle lyn kaur. HAHAHA.
Posting overdued picture and recent photos below.

Sing me something soft
Sad and delicate
Or loud and out of key
Sing me anything
Ahhh this song makes me sad but i want to try the piece. The sax soli like so cool! HAHAHA.
Past 2 days had performance at Paragon. One with coral another with westwood. Gah, i am so tired... My legs are seriously aching.. But yahh it was cool, duhhh. HAHAHA :)
I got to admit their pieces are so much nicer then our repertoire...... But, we're still cool people. HAHAHA
I wanted to get the tickets for singfest 2nd day concert. BUT when i went to check just now, tickets are sold out. -.- And i won't get the tickets at door cos it freaking cost 250 buckarooooos. Cheat my money siolx! T-T
I shall sleep early today. I didn't even sleep 11hr for the past 2 nights. That pretty much explain why i look so -.- after today's performance... Yesterday wasn't that bad, as i have people entertaining me like, joelle lyn kaur. HAHAHA.
Posting overdued picture and recent photos below.

Sad and delicate
Or loud and out of key
Sing me anything