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Monday, September 29 @ 10:04 PM

khoolulu, i miss eating sushi with you. we should go and eat it soon. :)
Don't be so blue...
I must learn to be more tolerence..
cannot be so petty. HAH
但是我还是很嫉妒...I must learn to believe in myself also...
"Hope" is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never stops at all -Emily Dickenson
Sunday, September 28 @ 1:25 AM
You have your dreams, I have mine
Telescope Eyes - Eisley7 papers down, 7 more to go? hmmmm.
Sunday, September 21 @ 1:47 AM
Your heartbeat is pulsing at night in your chest
The future freaks me out - The motion city soundtrackYes, the future freaks me out!
I read a news @ yahoo just now and i was freaking shocked by an article i came across. about Travis Barker and celebrity DJ AM. Both of them are in critical injured due to a plane crash. omg lahhh.
This news make me feel that life is so unpredictable and scary. Damn ): Make me want to enjoy life even more and dont regret it.
Hmm talking about unpredictable. Why are human beings so unpredictable? One moment they can be like this, the next they can be that. Gahhhh... It's just so irritating to see people change so fast....
Today, dte with april. physic, physic. -.- And i think i still got a long long way to go... All the best nee, next thursday is your physic paper 2. Paper 2 lehh, not paper 1.
Yes, yes my eoy starts next week. 2 days after my compositions, all my papers commence already. What a rush ehh? Later shall be a hardcore study day and it shall last for the next few weeks i guess...
Saw some video of slider recently and got me wanting to blade asap. Its been some time since i really actually bladed, maybe after exams at ecp. *wink* After skate, seafood at there. Perfect! hahahaha! What a plan....
I was youtubing and i saw this, Super cool acappella on Misery Business. Watch! HAHA
I was sitting in the bus and i thought of something,I AM crazy to like you for this long. I never expect it myself too. Human power!... HAHAHA. time, time, time, time...."In your eyes, just give me a sign.."
Saturday, September 13 @ 1:42 AM
You hold me together
Crush - David ArchuletaAntm season 11 have aired recently in the US. AHH one of my favourite shows. This season contestant have really kwel and weird peeps. From asian girl to transgender and i think a girl who is bisexual. HAH. Just caught episode 1 on youtube, looks good.
And apple recently just release their new ipod nano and i think is so so so damn nice! hah. makes me wanna get one too :x the green, blue and red looks so tempting. $249 for 8gb. Not that bad huh?

Anyway, exams is just round the corner. Abit freaky. I hope i will be able to do well *cross finger* Guess i need to start on all my revisions = hardcore. Hah.
Being around people who are sick for these few days cause me to end up getting sick too. D:
Evan, xing, april are all sick. Now, its my turn. The stupid thing is, i told xing and evan my immune system damn strong, but today? I end up about to get sick soon. Hah. Me and my mouth ): I don't want to be sick during this period. Exams lehh.... Gahhhhh
Should stop here? Tata
There's this memory of you and i deep down somewhere in the corner of my mind.
perhaps you have heard my cries, my songs and my sorrows.
perhaps you have seen me on the stage somewhere before.
perhaps, you never knew i...
Saturday, September 6 @ 1:20 AM
Accept the pain
I'm Sorry - Dan Erickson"If I leave a note to say im sorry. Will that enough to make you love me? If I try my best to make you happy. Will you do your best to listen to me. Hey hey im sorry"khoo just show me her vlog and it is even more funny then the one she sent me where a group of emo guys was shaking their head to techno music and idk what the hell they are doing when in the techno music someone starts to sing. yeahh. LOL AHH i can repeat her vlog thing and not get tired of it. HAHAHA. Its entertaining lahh. And i think this dude from uk has a very cool vlog, Maybe you might wanna check it out?
Anyway, went to get my hair trim. I think it looks better now, but my hair seem rough. Arghhh.. Something embarrassing happened when i was taking an escalator down at tamp mall. But luckily that area was deserted. I just slipped down and fell from the escalator. What a fall. LOL. And i am blaming my gripless slipper for the fall =/ I wasn't even playing on the escalator, things just happened so fast and i had no time to react.
However, thank god, i did not roll down and suffer serious injuries. Instead i just sort of slide down a few steps and got a cut and some scratch marks. And my bum hurts big time ):
Evan, basket, never catch me! HAHAHA. But she got me potc scores, so i shall forgive her for that. LOL. Ghey~
My holidays assignment are not even half done. Gosh, better start doingggggg :x
Elearning is freaking 11 pages long for pure physic peeps. That totally suck when my physic suck. lol.
And my exams are like in 2 to 3 weeks time? SAVE ME.
love will find a way
Thursday, September 4 @ 2:11 PM
Deep inside, there's a rush, what a rush
Take you sweet time - Jesse MccartneyWas youtubing yesterday till the wee hours.
I got so curious about the Camp Rock thing starring the Jonas Brother and this girl whom i never seen or heard before. I found out her name is Demi Lovato and she is just 16y/o! I like her surname, lo-va-to. HAHAHA I think i'm so ghey...
When i heard her sing one of the song, i was like 'woah'. LOLOL. Better then so many another disney's stars? No offense. I heard her studio version of Get Back and a live one she did for Good Morning America, She sounded good in both. Her live aint that bad. Better then some artist i guess. Maybe you should listen to her songs, some of them have nice beats. 2 worlds collide by her is nice.
Anyway, the past few days been stoning at home. Except on monday cos i've physic class but i overslept. lol. And i ended up going lesson 1 hr later. =/ Peace^^v to miss kuah when i entered the classroom. heehee. She smiled and said nothing to me, april and evan. We were the last to come but the first to go. =/
Evan was suggesting that since we are so late we might as well not go. I still say "just go lahh listen to her" but in the end, i think half of the lesson i was playing dj max. Heehee =/
Lunch at kfc with peeps and then went to study with xing at mac. We were kinda tired so we only studied like a tiny winny bit. Heehee.
Going out later to marina square to meet joey. Ahh so long since i saw her. Shall do loads of catching up with her and hopefully i will be able to find the hoodie from the surf shop i saw the other time. *cross finger*.
And lastly, saturday will be baby karissa one month thing, celebrating a lil earlier. And here is a collage of her edited by her mum haha. so cute right? HAHA.
"You give me something
That makes me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
Because someday I might know my heart"