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Friday, May 29 @ 11:27 PM
Better intention
Mr Kyuhyun killed me with this picture. =/
The smile, the voice. Gosh mesmorising..... :)
If you're gone - Matchbox 20Okay, back to reality.Blog kinda went dead awhile. heeh. Lazy and been busy with my new house.
Anyway, report book result ain't fantastic. A long way more to get my targeted L1R5. ):
Mr Faizal said the same thing as he did for last year. "All the Bs could have gone to becomes As". Tsk. I am so going to push all my Bs to As!
Btw, surprisingly, my humanities is the only A. ^^V FIRST TIME.
And guess what, i survived my 18 hour of chinese lessons. Lol. Imagine chinese lessons everyday, suck siolx.. Only on the last 2 days then i realised the importance of my chinese paper. =/
Shall stop here and i am off to enjoy some air-con cos the weather is freaking hot! Damn it ):
Where are you?
Tuesday, May 19 @ 10:11 PM
Boys Over Flowers

Watching non-stop 4 episodes of the drama pretty shiok. Hah!
I like this scene. Whenever jandi feels upset, jihoo will appear and say this.
JiHoo: Did you call 911?
JanDi: (look at him)
JiHoo: I'm here to put out the fire.
It's sorta cute. Concern bout her in a cute way. HAHA.
And in the drama, the necklace junpyo gave jandi is selling all over the net. Like not special ahh. =/
So far, the results i gotten for mye are not up to standard. Only one A, and its A2
Geog and chem tmr?
Ohya, for geog paper. I studied for natural vegetations and during the paper i went to do rivers and coast cos i find it easier. So, everything is based on general knowledge. Good game, i don't know how well i can score.
l1r5 might hit 20 again! :(
Monday, May 18 @ 4:55 PM
Like a hard candy with a surprise center
Monday, May 11 @ 6:05 PM
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (Edited)
Romantic - SHINeeShall do a short post before i study for maths.
Met seetoh on friday. She treated me bakerzin. This is what i call really belated birthday celebration. Anyway, thanks seetoh. Pic after all papers..
Btw, talking about exams, i screwed majority FULLSTOP :(
Mothers' day was spend with my mum and aunties.
Went to this hokkien restuarent and the food was yumyum :D
Loving this herbal soup there. So good! And each person have a mini abalone. :D
Been busy preparing for exams + the new house thingys.
My room's gonna be pink. Dont be shock! :D
Okay. shall stop here. i guess i just wasted time. =/ WATCH TRANSFORMER(II) LATEST TRAILER!Will post more interesting stuffs after exams ... :)
OHYA, i've got another baby niece. Kimi Lee? haha. Born on mother's day. So cool :)