Let's Not - SUJU
Why did he pass away so suddenly? Hmmm..
Shall do a quick post.
Term 3 starts tmr. So not looking forward to it. Cos, it will be a hardcore term. Damn ):
One of the school had extended holiday, due to a teacher having h1n1.
Arghhh.. I want it too. Cos i wanna clear a few more homework. =/
What a life...
Btw, read the news of sj attending GMA in taiwan. Gosh, the fans are shouting so loud for them that people are sort of complaining! But sj fighting! LOL. So korean =/
Last mubank. ):

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Sunday, June 28 @ 11:11 PM
All good things comes to an end
Friday, June 26 @ 1:50 PM
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing
Never Say Never - The Fray
Caught 2 movies in less than a week. Drag me to hell and Transformer 2. Both with seetoh.
Stupid isa told me the end of the story for drag me to hell. But he said it was good so i went to watch it. The movie was so so? Though the sound effect was the one scaring me half of the time.
Transformer 2 was awesome, as usual. Very action-packed. I read the newspaper review on it and the didn't gave a good rating for it. But when i watched it, i thought it was pretty good. Though the story line is a little predictable. But overall i felt it was good.
The way the robots transform, effin' cool. And sam's family in the movie were very dorky. Gosh cannot stand it... There were sexual humour here and there, pretty funny. Hah.
I don't mind getting the disc for Transformer 2. All the cool machines u ask for is probably there. LOL.
Anyway, studied with xing yesterday at airport. We were like talking about sj and shinee. hah. I think i didn't see her for 2 weeks during the holiday :(
Later on the day, met feli and her friend. Then we headed for Transformer 2 till night.
Time for another video.
SJ acoustic cover of Gee. Too good!
Okay shall stop here.
My physic holiday assignment not done.
I've 15 chaps to complete. WOW in 3 days? God bless me.

Stupid isa told me the end of the story for drag me to hell. But he said it was good so i went to watch it. The movie was so so? Though the sound effect was the one scaring me half of the time.
Transformer 2 was awesome, as usual. Very action-packed. I read the newspaper review on it and the didn't gave a good rating for it. But when i watched it, i thought it was pretty good. Though the story line is a little predictable. But overall i felt it was good.
The way the robots transform, effin' cool. And sam's family in the movie were very dorky. Gosh cannot stand it... There were sexual humour here and there, pretty funny. Hah.
I don't mind getting the disc for Transformer 2. All the cool machines u ask for is probably there. LOL.
Anyway, studied with xing yesterday at airport. We were like talking about sj and shinee. hah. I think i didn't see her for 2 weeks during the holiday :(
Later on the day, met feli and her friend. Then we headed for Transformer 2 till night.
Time for another video.
SJ acoustic cover of Gee. Too good!
Okay shall stop here.
My physic holiday assignment not done.
I've 15 chaps to complete. WOW in 3 days? God bless me.
Thursday, June 18 @ 2:11 PM
Strike up the band and make the fire flies dance
No You Girls - Franz Ferdinand

Evan's birthday celebration was great.
Firstly, after chem lessons, we went to alyssa's home and waited for her to change, then next, the birthday girl. Then we headed to april's place then mine. We spend quite some time at my place doing make up and taking photos.
After that, we headed to yoshinoya for dinner.
And next the highlight of the day, Night Safari.
I think it was quite a cool experience. I enjoyed myself though the walking part is damn tiring. By the time we finished the whole thing, our face was like shiny(oily). LOL.
We saw the lion and even heard them roar. At first we thought it was recorded, but it was actually real. hahha. Cool!
Overall, i had fun. Though bus ride out and cab home was about to knock off..
Okay. Now for kyu vid (again). His talent for singing is extra-xtra-xtraordinary. :D
Lovin' it.
Another korean song. Posting it cos i find Kim So Eun(Ga Eul in BOF) did such a good job in this mv. Kinda make my heart sank when i saw the mv. =/
8eight is a trio band and they do great song ballad. Check them out.
Met joey on tues and head to town. Went to vivo to shop, but couldn't really get anything we like.
I went shopping without knowing what i wanted to find. =/ So really had a hard time trying to find something i like...
Went to carl's jr to makan. It tasted so good~~ HAHA I haven't get a bite of it for quite some time.
In the end, we headed to orchard. And got myself something from flesh imp and a watch. Okay, at least i managed to get something with no idea what to get in the first place..
And i'm loving C&K gladiator heels. Gosh, but my mama always say this, "Buy Buy Buy, not as if you will get to wear it everyday. You're schooling, girl." So sad, but true. Lol.
And now i'm craving for japanese food! Maybe, when i meet mum later, ask her to go eat with me. :)

Evan's birthday celebration was great.
Firstly, after chem lessons, we went to alyssa's home and waited for her to change, then next, the birthday girl. Then we headed to april's place then mine. We spend quite some time at my place doing make up and taking photos.
After that, we headed to yoshinoya for dinner.
And next the highlight of the day, Night Safari.
I think it was quite a cool experience. I enjoyed myself though the walking part is damn tiring. By the time we finished the whole thing, our face was like shiny(oily). LOL.
We saw the lion and even heard them roar. At first we thought it was recorded, but it was actually real. hahha. Cool!
Overall, i had fun. Though bus ride out and cab home was about to knock off..
Okay. Now for kyu vid (again). His talent for singing is extra-xtra-xtraordinary. :D
Lovin' it.
Another korean song. Posting it cos i find Kim So Eun(Ga Eul in BOF) did such a good job in this mv. Kinda make my heart sank when i saw the mv. =/
8eight is a trio band and they do great song ballad. Check them out.
Met joey on tues and head to town. Went to vivo to shop, but couldn't really get anything we like.
I went shopping without knowing what i wanted to find. =/ So really had a hard time trying to find something i like...
Went to carl's jr to makan. It tasted so good~~ HAHA I haven't get a bite of it for quite some time.
In the end, we headed to orchard. And got myself something from flesh imp and a watch. Okay, at least i managed to get something with no idea what to get in the first place..
And i'm loving C&K gladiator heels. Gosh, but my mama always say this, "Buy Buy Buy, not as if you will get to wear it everyday. You're schooling, girl." So sad, but true. Lol.
And now i'm craving for japanese food! Maybe, when i meet mum later, ask her to go eat with me. :)
Wednesday, June 10 @ 11:07 PM
Without a heart - 8eight
I feel so guilty if i don't post this up. Too cute and dorky.
Enjoying it :D
Anyway, evan's birthday tmr.
It will be a mini outing for the girls and i. :)
GSS is killing me - making me tempted to get new clothes. BUT i have no money!
And i wanna go to the PC show. Feel like getting a new laptop -.- My laptop is going to die, i think?
Last thursday was senior farewell. Well, we had a great time trying out their games.
And i almost had sore throat due to laughing and shouting. HAHAHA. Pictures all in facebook. I'm to lazy to post it here.
And last friday was evan's chalet. Had tuition so i went late, when xing and april was leaving. So when i went there, it was only me, evan and johnson.
Okay, evan was nice. She left some bbq food for me, seafood! + a half eaten egg tart. LOL.
I went home the next day and went to my my niece, kimi's one month thing.
Yes, i have another niece again. They will be calling me 'gu gu'! ):
I feel so guilty if i don't post this up. Too cute and dorky.
Enjoying it :D
Anyway, evan's birthday tmr.
It will be a mini outing for the girls and i. :)
GSS is killing me - making me tempted to get new clothes. BUT i have no money!
And i wanna go to the PC show. Feel like getting a new laptop -.- My laptop is going to die, i think?
Last thursday was senior farewell. Well, we had a great time trying out their games.
And i almost had sore throat due to laughing and shouting. HAHAHA. Pictures all in facebook. I'm to lazy to post it here.
And last friday was evan's chalet. Had tuition so i went late, when xing and april was leaving. So when i went there, it was only me, evan and johnson.
Okay, evan was nice. She left some bbq food for me, seafood! + a half eaten egg tart. LOL.
I went home the next day and went to my my niece, kimi's one month thing.
Yes, i have another niece again. They will be calling me 'gu gu'! ):
Sunday, June 7 @ 2:06 PM
Branded in my heart
Insomnia - Craig David
The korean version by wheesung is good too.
Eng's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m555jHRMEo
Korean's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLYg8rwdihM&feature=related
Won't be having internet connection for the next few days. Gosh =/ Have to change the line to my new house.
Think i'm gonna rent dvd and watch to pass time and spend time doing my revision. Gotta start with physic if i wanna pass my olvl physic. -.-
Shall stop here.
Wont be back till internet is fixed.
The korean version by wheesung is good too.
Eng's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m555jHRMEo
Korean's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLYg8rwdihM&feature=related
Won't be having internet connection for the next few days. Gosh =/ Have to change the line to my new house.
Think i'm gonna rent dvd and watch to pass time and spend time doing my revision. Gotta start with physic if i wanna pass my olvl physic. -.-
Shall stop here.
Wont be back till internet is fixed.
Tuesday, June 2 @ 3:19 PM
New moon trailer
Caught the new trailer of New Moon. The last part gave me goosebumps. I dunno why.
But it's a good thing right, if a trailer gave u goosebumps?
I hope it won't be a disappointment. Like the first one.....
Thinking of it, i rather read the books 10000000 times then watch the movie. Though edward cullen = so hot, the story plot in the first saga just went too fast ):
Looking forward for the 2nd saga.
And can't wait for HP 7 and Transformer 2 :D