Went back to band yesterday. Felt like singing jodin sparks no air. LOL. Errr.. So many awkward moments........
Caught Harry Potter HBP yesterday with joey. Not much action, more of humours. I like the quiditch part where ron thought he drank the potion and think he was in luck and did exceptionally well. HAHA. And the prof mcgonagall part where she questions them why they are always there when accidents happened and ron gave stupid answers. haha. Ron's so funny/dorky, hermione so pretty. And lavander is so irritating.
Movie ended and we bought shaker fries plus mr teh terik.. We sat downstair my house and talked till 1 plus. HAH. Time flies fast. Err, went home and bathe. Then we played with joey's phone camera. Those continous shots. And we really took alot of weird ones. haha.
Match of liverpool and spore, 5-0. Expected. LOL
"So it's not hard to fall, when you float like a cannonball"
Monday, July 20 @ 8:03 PM
The moon is shining bright, the mood is feeling right
Somewhere only we know - Keane Listening to keane now. So good. "this could be the end of everything so why don't we go somewhere only we know"
Playing with the band soon? Miss the feeling.. Haven't touch the instrument for ages, so should go and practise practise. :) Let me predict, tonghua, marmalade and oye coma va either one will be in the repertoire..
Have been online shopping *guilty* Need to stop. =(
Super show II looks super exciting, but they won't come s'pore???? ):
Okay. i just realise i have less than 100 days to olvl! :( I want to get at least 3As!! STUDY HARD RENEE! *Everytime i end my post with olvl remainder, hopfully to get me motivated to study. =/
And wait, quah showed me this. Felt that it was good. Thumbs up.
Monday, July 13 @ 6:46 PM
And every night i miss you, i can just look up
Sorry, Sorry - SuJu Still my favourite :D
"Here sorry sorry sorry, there sorry sorry sorry, here too sorry sorry sorry" quoted by one of their messages.. Hah. HX, sorry sorry is still the best song.
Anyway, talking about k-pop. Yesterday when i was heading home. I saw this little boy, about 5 y/o listening to wonder girls. nobody. So cute. hah!
Okay, another olvl chinese paper next week, listening. And another 3 mths ++ more to my olvl. Omgosh, kinda freaky you know! Must study.......
And today was on time for school. But i had to walk 20 rounds around the parade square. That was the most time wasting thing that the teachers have invented... Wasted 20 minutes of my life. I could have study! LOL. Mr faizal asked me, "What's the moral of the story?" Me, "Don't walk to school with april." *laugh* April injured her leg, so had to walk slow pace with her to school. And i ended up having to walking 20 rounds. Ahhhhhhhh. And while walking, the girl behind me kept on procrastinating, super irritating. Whatmore, tonns of vulgarities flew off her mouth. Felt like taping a scotch tape over her mouth and just ask her to shut up and finish the walks. Ahhhh, cannot stand this kind of people who cannot take hardship. LOL LOL!
Kk, stop my very bleak life. And shall go complete some hw :D
Tuesday, July 7 @ 10:00 PM
Here we are again, circles never end
When it rains - Paramore
Today was my chinese olvl oral. Woahhhhhh. I think i screwed my reading part and convo was so so? I started of reading quite alright, then when i was about to end i start to panic. IDK FOR WHAT MAN. OMGOSH, damn regret ): But, its over. And convo was about plastic surgery, quite an unexpected topic. But easy to talk crap about it. LOL.
I'm tired, but i still need to complete chem spa 3 practise ws plus english ): And i completed all my 3 SPA for physics. Great! But for the written papers, i'm gonna die ):
Anyway. currently reading Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson. Great book :)
Monday, July 6 @ 2:02 PM
Lighting up lingering thoughts
Cannonball - Damien Rice "When you know that you just don't know"
Looking forward for paramore's new album "Brand New Eyes". Releasing in september. Heard the preview of their single, Ignorance. Not bad, but sound a little like misery business? mmmmm...
Had a longer break this weekend due to youth day. Hurray :) Saturday morning, went to wild wild wet with ean and xing. Free admission :D We played for only 3 hours and later went out. Lol. Just went there to waste ticket as it expire that day. We were too lazy and tired. So half the time we laze at the lazy pool and tsunami pool. And did i forget to mention, evan almost drown. Lol. Don't know how to swim properly still at the deep end of the tsunami thingy tried to went up on the float. Damn funny. Me and haixing kept laughing at her.
Cousin came over that night and stayed over. Called quah. Gosh. he sings too much. Even my cousin says so. HAHAHA. Studied the next day with her at home and she showed me this movie, "Dance of the dead" which is not release in singapore. It's about undead, but it's pretty hilarous and stupid. But watched half-way, her ipod went dead ): Evening went to dte had subway with cousin and met hansley. Caught Ice Age 3 together. The show was funny. But i find the story going really fast? Maybe it's just me.
HP 6, looking good.
It's only part 1, there's more. I'm not gonna watch all, don't wanna spoil the feel when i watch it in cinema. Lol.
It's quite amazing how we still talk and keep in contact...