3 interviews tmr. Lol. Hopfully one of them is successful :D Been going out almost everyday. And each time i went out, i will spend $$chingching$$, which is no good. Cos, i am pretty broke now. So pray hard, i get a job quick and get more $$chingching$$ to buy more clothes :D Anyway anyway, i got a wedges and i am in love with it ^^ Prettaye!
Been watching You're Beautiful. It is really good, you should watched it. On par with BOF i guess. And plus, same amount of cute guys to look at. LOL. Each episode is exciting and entertaining ^^
Okay needa sleep soon. If not i will look all tired again...
Feelings keep trickling out Thought i have managed to control it...
Saturday, November 21 @ 1:35 AM
I can type here means my mind is still here, good. Drank a little just now. Feeling fine just now. But having slight giddiness now. Somehow i like this weird feeling, don't make you think so much......
Went to some unknown's chalet with april and i saw shawn, orisha's bro and nicolas. Singapore is really small... Hmmmm..
Ok tata, think i need to sleep soon. Eyes are like closing.. Need to sleep. Nights :) Tmr will be a better day.
Thursday, November 19 @ 10:46 PM
To make our absence sweet
The feeling is not very nice.. =/ Why.....
You're beautiful is a good korean drama. Loving the humour from the show. Plus, New Moon coming soon. Cool, can't wait :D
Uhh, pray hard i get that part-time job. In need of cash, badly. Off to crap out some resume. LOL.
Monday, November 16 @ 1:37 AM
Misguided ghosts - Paramore
HAHAHA MY OLEVEL IS OVER. AND I AM FEELING GOOD BOUT IT. time to disturb someone. haha!
Anyway, once we finished chem p1, evan, april and i went to get our hair cut. April and evan then went to get their ears pierce. And we went april house and dyed our hair.. (ps i just summarised the whole day)
Yesterday, went with family to eat seafood. Bagus k :D Ate alaska black pepper crab. It was my first time. Ate super big prawns, fried till super crispy + fried lobster. I dont eat pork ribs but they made it till superb. Steam egg soup was goooooood. OKAY. But the bill was even more power. LOL! But i think it was worthy? It was too good :D
Went to orchard area with joey today. Walk from far east to ion to wisma to taka to heeren to orchard central to plaza sing. Had starbucks's cake with her. Yum yum. I've cravings for ice cream and cakes recently. Gosh.
Monday, November 9 @ 1:23 AM
A touch that you miss so much
All The Right Moves - One Republic
Fringe and Criminal Minds <3 Makes my monday nights less boring.
Ohh went to see a dermotologist today. Skin please be nice. :)
Haven't touch the books since wednesday. =/ Need to get back on track again! I'm still having my olvl! Can't wait for friday!
I've been spending the last few days in a way that i have finished my o's =/ Going out nearly everyday with the girls. Guilty pleasure. Met april yesterday night and went to blade. I haven't touch the blades for donkey years. Gosh, i miss blading...
Zipia.com jackets are tempting me big time. Alot of webs selling really nice winter wear. It is very sad that spore is sunny all year round -.- Need to go a flea to get good steals. Should ask joey along. She loves flea!